Jim Petro is using strong-arm tactics to preserve Ohio's corrupt pay-to-play system fostered under more than a decade of GOP rule.
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
In a Nov. 18 letter to Hagan's lawyer, [regarding Hagan's lawsuite] Ken Seminatore, Ohio's Senior Deputy Attorney General Arthur Marziale warned that the state "will seek sanctions, including attorney fees and costs." He called the case "frivolous, unsupported and libelous."
The lawsuit, filed in August 2004, contends that Gov. Bob Taft, Attorney General Jim Petro and other Republican officeholders awarded billions of dollars in unbid contracts to vendors who artificially inflated their prices to cover contributions they kicked back to GOP political funds.
The 41-page filing alleges -- among other things -- that GOP county committees laundered contributions from lawyers who received unbid special-counsel contracts to candidates for attorney general. The practice allowed the lawyers to indirectly give more than the maximum $1,000 allowed and still remain eligible for state legal work, according to the lawsuit.
Instead of rounding up the "bad apples" like GOP Chair Bill Bennett promised, Petro has taken to pushing back to maintain the corrupt system that has benefitted himself and other Republican office holders at the expense of Ohio's working families. It makes the previous CFC post seem that much more realistic doesn't it?.
Contact Tim Hagan and tell him to stand tall. Tell him we've got his back.
Tim Hagan: CNTFH-at-cuyahogacounty.us (replace "-at-" with @)
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Posted by: Bpmhalrqxz | December 12, 2011 at 03:12 AM